Is The Era Of Alternative Dispute Resolution Good For The Civil Justice System?
The replacement of the trial with mass mediations and other forms of alternative dispute resolution is changing the civil justice system.
The replacement of the trial with mass mediations and other forms of alternative dispute resolution is changing the civil justice system.
Forward this to the brightest, hungriest, most optimistic young plaintiff lawyer you know.
Contracts are now integrated into an end-to-end system, and efficiencies abound.
How many of us bounce from one highly stressful legal project to the next without a proper recovery period? Do we adequately acknowledge the toll that it takes on our minds and bodies?
For young lawyers working in plaintiffs’ firms, Al Davis's famous quote illuminates the path towards professional prosperity, as columnist Jed Cain explains.
To understand the psyche of a plaintiffs’ lawyer, one must understand their unique relationship with the inherent risk of losing.
Plaintiffs’ lawyers are gross. We stink up our opponents’ pristine conference rooms. In reality, the odor emanates from the dark and murky water where we spend most of our time.
From training to technology, uncover the essential steps to futureproof your law firm in a competitive market.
What does the prevalence of the Lawyer Ego Industry say about the collective psychological profile of our profession? We are a study in contradictions.
The development of good legal “vision” is becoming increasingly more difficult for young lawyers. Why not give them a hand?
The case of Philip DeSelle highlights the tragedy of a glaring loophole in Louisiana’s “good time” laws that stood for years.
For the plaintiffs' lawyer, evaluating a potential case isn't always easy, but it's extremely important.
Meet LexisNexis Protégé™, the new AI assistant that leverages personalization choices controlled by the user or their organization to optimize the individual’s AI experience.
Sometimes plaintiffs’ lawyers feel like unwilling actors in a series of bad movie sequels. When will the madness end?
In reality, virtually nothing about being a personal-injury plaintiff is easy.
No one likes frivolous lawsuits -- especially plaintiffs' lawyers.
Can a Biglaw attorney turn in her pinstripes and make the leap into the plaintiffs' lawyers' pond?